Mission and Team

Our Story

The Boeing Employees Alpine Society (BOEALPS) was founded in 1963 by a handful of fellow outdoorsmen. The organization offers a year-round program of climbing and social activities for all members. We are primarily a climbing club, but many of our members are active in cross-country and back-country skiing, snowshoeing, backpacking, mountain biking, and other outdoor activities.

Our club socials keep members informed and provide an atmosphere for meeting new friends and socializing with old ones. Many climbs are organized at these meetings. You may see slide shows from speakers on adventures in areas ranging from the Cascades to Mt. Everest.

Each spring BOEALPS offers a Basic Mountaineering Class that is highly regarded in the Northwest climbing community. Basic techniques in this course open the door to exciting climbs throughout the world. The basic class includes ascents of several local peaks and an overnight graduation climb at the end of the course.

For those who have basic skills and the desire to learn what is involved in climbing some of the more technical and remote routes in the Cascades, BOEALPS also offers an Alpine Climbing Class.

Other member benefits include a monthly newsletter, equipment check-out, a library, and special classes and seminars offered at a discount to members.

Important Documents

Procedures (PRO) are only accessible to Boeing employees on the Boeing Network

Our Team

BOEALPS is managed by a team of volunteers to keep the lights on. Click HERE for a PDF copy of the org chart.