Club Meetings
The club typically hosts general meetings and board meetings every month. All members are welcome to attend and participate.
Please visit the calendar for current club meeting dates and agendas.

Annual Campouts
BOEALPS hosts a number of campouts during the year for all to enjoy!
- Spring - Leavenworth, WA
- Summer Picnic - Seattle, WA
- BoeBabies - Leavenworth, WA
- Fall - Leavenworth, WA

Annual Banquet
BOEALPS hosts an Annual Banquet in November to celebrate the end of another great year with this community!

Winter Cabin Weekend
BOEALPS rents out a large cabin in the January/February time frame for club members to gather together and enjoy fun in the snow!

Instructor Social Night
Instructor night! Come hang out, meet other instructors, and make friends! A bunch of cool fun people, doing awesome rad stuff!

Winter Climb Series
The Winter Climb Series is a great opportunity for BOEALPS members and friends to get outside and meet new climbing partners.

Photo Contest
Dust off your negatives, download your memory cards and bring your best adventure photos to the BOEALPS photo contest!

Want to lead an adventure with other BOEALPS members and guests? Bag-it-Night is the way to bring people together and collaborate with other outings.

Presidents Climb
Each year, the President organizes a climb to keep the adventure stoke going and share stories. Keep a look out for the invite!