Basic Mountaineering Class (BMC)
The BOEALPS Basic Mountaineering Class (BMC) is a great opportunity to learn the skills that are necessary for basic competence in alpine travel. This course covers at an introductory level everything from proper clothing and route finding to glacier travel and crevasse rescue. If you are new to the outdoors or have outdoor experience but lack the training to go with it, then this course is a must for you!

Basic Rock Class (BRC)
The Basic Rock Class (BRC) is designed to bridge the gap between the Basic and Alpine Climbing Classes. It introduces students to principles of technical rock and basic alpine climbing, allows them to establish mentor-ship relationships with more experienced climbers through a 1:1 student-to-instructor ratio, and gets them experience in following a trad lead climber that will lay the groundwork for learning to lead beyond the class.
Alpine Climbing Class (ACC)
The BOEALPS Alpine Climbing Class (ACC) is an exceptional opportunity for those who want to advance their traditional (trad) lead climbing abilities and learn to apply them in an alpine environment; and have a desire to gain the skill and experience necessary to climb some of the more technical and remote climbs in the Cascades, the Olympics, and beyond.

Wilderness First Aid (WFA)
The BOEALPS Wilderness First Aid (WFA) program is designed to prepare you to deal effectively with accidents that can occur in remote areas where professional medical help is not readily available. The WFA certification is valid for 2 years.